Artificial turf has proven to minimise water costs, lessen time spent on maintenance and provide a well kept lawn year round. But, is it a good surface for our furry friends? Below we’ll go through some of the most common questions that arise when considering installing artificial lawn grass as it relates to dogs and pets.
1. How Safe is Artificial Turf for my Furry Friend?
When it comes to our pets, safety is a number one concern. Similar to buying new toys and treats, we want to be sure that anything we provide our animals poses no threat to their wellbeing. Artificial turf is no different. Because dogs habitually chew through and possibly choke on many things that are artificial, it’s great to know that our grass is manufactured completely lead free and is less destructible than real grass. Furthermore, because there are no chemicals, fertilisers or weed killers needed in artificial grass, we would argue that it’s safer than real grass in that if it’s ingested, it poses no threat to the health and safety of your pet.
2. How Does My Dog’s Pee/Poop Affect Artificial Turf?
Pets can use the bathroom on artificial lawns just as they would real grass. The difference here is that, while liquid urine is able to drain through a porous material beneath the artificial turf and be reabsorbed into the soil, solid material will need to be picked up and disposed of. The composition of your artificial lawn is never compromised by urine or feces from pets. Some pet owners even designate small patches of artificial turf for their pets to relieve themselves on that can be easily removed, and this provides easier routine clean up to the area. At most, after disposing of solid matter from your pet, hosing down the area to allow for ‘flushing out’ of any left over residue or unpleasant smells, is the most that is needed to maintain the perfect display of artificial turf.
3. How Withstanding is Artificial Lawn Grass for my Energetic Pet?

Artificial turf should undeniably be made with heavy foot traffic and use, in mind. Because our pets roam and run freely on grass, questioning its durability under the paws of a playful energetic animal is necessary. How will my raging rambunctious dog affect the quality of my artificial turf? To answer this, it’s important to understand that synthetic grass is built to not only withstand heavy amounts of traffic, but it is created to withstand time. (That includes weather, repeated pet defecation usage, and even sports that require running and lots of impact to the artificial turf.) Because it’s synthetic and made of materials that are not composed of or affected by earth’s components, it’s able to withstand a lot more than real grass, and is not compromised by heavy traffic or repeated animal usage. Artificial turf is also nearly indestructible, and that means no more unwanted holes being dug unlike natural lawns.
4. Can Fleas and Ticks Live in Artificial Lawn Grass?
Pet owners will find peace of mind in knowing that installation of artificial turf minimises and almost completely eliminates flea and tick infestation. Because there is no water or organic matter for pests to nest or breed, fleas and ticks can not thrive in artificial lawn grass. Real grass is the ideal breeding environment for bugs of all types to reproduce and triple in number, and once infested will require harsh chemicals to get rid of. To prevent the possibility of infestation in your artificial grass it’s important to clean up any organic matter debris that will naturally fall onto your landscape. This includes leaves and real dirt, the only way insects such as fleas and ticks can thrive.
5. Is there Anything I can Add on to Artificial Lawn Grass that Will Benefit my Pet?
Infil is a layer beneath the turf that can be added to further deodorise artificial turf after urine and defecation. Infil is also a supporting factor in the resilience of the artificial turf as it provides support. Pet owners utilise this layer to elongate the life and display of their artificial grass lawns, as well as to cut back on the time needed to clean up after their pet. It’s a great addition to artificial lawn grass and promises you get the most out of your investment.
Safety, long withstanding usage, and optimal pet urine/defecation are amazing benefits of installing artificial lawn grass with your furry friend in mind. Not to mention the minimised risk of ticks and fleas, and the lack of eyesore holes in your yard from Fido’s digging. Artificial turf is a great addition to any landscape and an even better alternative environment for your pets.
Reach out to us to find the best artificial turf and installation for your furry friend’s usage.